Bitmax Scammed Me

Look I’m gonna keep this short and post the google drive at the end of screenshots and whatever else.

First time I lost 15k because support wouldn’t close my trades when I lost access to my account and was waiting for 2fa reset. Fine, shitty system but still my fault for not having a back up.

Second time there was a bug in their system in calculating my margin because i had a long and short open at the same time. They disabled my trading, I could not sell my asssets to reduce the leverage and fix the calculator. I begged and pleaded support for 2 fucking days to either unsuspend the account and let me sell the assets or for them to close my positions until they figure out whats wrong with my account. By the time it was fixed and I saw the message, I already went from a 60k usdt balance to 30k. At that point I didn’t even fucking care and left the trade open to get liquidated.

They even assigned me a direct contact account manager. Which is literally the only reason it was even fixed 36 hours later. The telegram support just kept telling me “wait” “I don’t know” and variations of “add funds, fuck off”. I have been a full time trader for 1 year as my source of income, I switched to bitmax from my secondary to my main exchange after not having problems for months. I regularly did 1m volume a week, and paid them 300-500$+ a month in margin interest.

google drive :

my account manager emails, support emails, telegram support convo, pictures of the account being disabled from trading, balances

all that’s left is 16k. Not even enough to pay my personal debts so fuck it.

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